Tarantulas Beastwars – Transformers G2


Tarantulas Beastwars 1996.



Tarantulas Beastwars – Transformers G2.


Redelijke staat. Compleet.
Hasbro 1996.


Part of the first wave of Beast Wars product, Tarantulas transforms into an organic generic spider (not a tarantula). His abdomen contains a spring-loaded missile launcher, which fires the anchor-missile kept in his spider-butt. This missile is attached by a string so he can hang from things like a real spider. The launcher can be removed and used as a robot mode weapon, using any of his front four spider-legs as missiles. Like all early Deluxe-and-up Beast Wars toys, he has two different robot mode “heads”; a robotic face and a “mutant” face. He is almost always depicted using the mutant face.
There is a variation of this toy in the Hasbro line: Later releases (the smooth bubble) lack the yellow paint on his elbows.
The Takara release of Tarantulas was originally identical to the Hasbro release. Later, a slightly color-altered version was released, using a brighter shade of green and a slightly darker gray. The color-altered version also replaced the blue eyes on the “robot” head and the black eyes of the “mutant” head with gold.