Butch Cavendish – The Lone Ranger


Butch Cavendish



Butch Cavendish – The Lone Ranger.


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Gabriel Toys 1973.

Butch Cavendish:

Butch Cavendish is an outlaw leader and the most frequently used foe of the Lone Ranger. He has appeared in somewhat different forms in radio broadcasts, TV episodes, comic books, print stories and movies. In all media, Cavendish is a vicious outlaw who robs and kill just for the sake of doing it.

His actions attracted the attention of the Texas Rangers and Dan Reid. Cavendish sent a man named Collins to Reid and his Rangers into an ambush (In some versions, Collins was a member of Cavendish’s gang while in others he was a Ranger who Cavendish bribed.) Collins led the troop of six Rangers into a narrow pass called Bryant’s Gap where Cavendish and 35 men were waiting in ambush.